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United States

(425) 280-1968

AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.


AAF National

The mothership. The cause. The guiding light. AAF Seattle is but one part of a huge organization that exists to further the cause of advertising as a profession.


Districts, Regions, and National - Oh My

AAF Seattle is in AAF District 11, made up of clubs in Washington, Alaska, Oregon, Idaho and Montana. The Western Region is districts 10-15, in the western US. And there are three regions that make up AAF National. That’s a lot of people who serve and care about this industry.

AAF Mission

The American Advertising Federation protects and promotes the well-being of advertising. We accomplish this through a unique, nationally coordinated grassroots network of advertisers, agencies, media companies, local advertising clubs and college chapters.

Here's what the AAF does:

  • Brings members together to yield creative business solutions.
  • Protects and promotes advertising at all levels of government through grassroots activities.
  • Educates members on the latest trends in technology, creativity and marketing.
  • Provides programs to assist local association volunteer leadership.
  • Presents the industry with its future leaders.
  • Honors advertising excellence.
  • Promotes diversity in advertising by encouraging the recruitment of people of diverse cultures.
  • Applies the communication skills of its members to help solve community concerns.

AAF initiatives include the following: