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United States

(425) 280-1968

AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.

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We're motivated people from agencies and vendors and clients, assembled to serve this community and industry we love.


Our Board

It’s not always easy work, but our volunteer professionals' guidance keeps things humming. A successful club starts with having special people on your board who have high expectations—and the skills to execute on them, if you’ll allow us to toot our own horn for a moment.

Valentina Gomez Bravo, President

John Line, Membership Director

Bianca Urbina, Events Director

Cindy Pennington, Executive Director

Maria Schnepf, Communications Director

Andy Furnam, Board Member

Board Openings

We seek new candidates for board positions each May and send to our membership for approval in June. But hey, we don't always fill every chair, so let us know if you'd like to be considered for an open role at any time of year.

If you're still working up to it (or can't fully commit to a board role), why not consider participating as a committee member? Sure, it's a great track to higher responsibility, but it's totally fulfilling on its own, too. Read on for details…

GET INVOLVED on a COmmittee

Our directors definitely have the expertise but they can’t do it alone. Each chair has its own committee who help transform concepts into realities. And what better way to get insight on how the club works than from the inside? Let us know if you want to add your skills to our mix.