ADDY FAQ - AAF Seattle

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United States

(425) 280-1968

AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.

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Entering the Seattle ADDY Awards is easier than ever, but sometimes you wonder about that one thing. We answer your top questions in our ADDY FAQ.

WhEN Is the entry deadline?

The entry deadline is February 16, 2024 at 5:00 pm

Late entries accepted until February 23, 2024 (late fees apply)

What are the entry fees?

Entry pricing (through February 16th)

      • AAF Member Single Entry - $120

      • AAF Member Campaign Entry - $145

      • Non-AAF Member Single Entry - $151

      • Non-AAF Member Campaign Entry - $169

      • Student - $72

      • Student Campaign - $84

Late entry pricing (from February 17th through February 23rd)

      • AAF Member Single Entry - $120 (no late fees)

      • AAF Member Campaign Entry - $145 (no late fees)

      • Non-AAF Member Single Entry - $181

      • Non-AAF Member Campaign Entry - $199

      • Student - $92

      • Student Campaign - $104

So being an AAF Seattle member saves me money?!

Yes, being a member of AAF Seattle has all kinds of benefits! And yeah, a big one is saving money on ADDY entries.

Members pay no late fees!

You don’t have to be a math whiz to figure out how discounts on entries can more than pay for a corporate membership, and you get a whole year of goodies on top of that.

Am I already a member? / How can i become a member?

Contact us so we can answer all membership-related questions and get you signed up.

Do I need a Physical Entry Form

No :) We are not requiring a physical entry for the 2024 awards. For any physical submissions, we recommend sending a video of how it works, what it looks like, how you use it, etc., so the judges can get a good idea of what it is.


How are the American Advertising Awards judged?

The American Advertising Awards is judged entirely on creative merit, not results.

It’s also largely non-competitive, meaning if it’s gold-worthy, it has a chance to get a gold even if there’s another gold in the same category. We do balance scores to ensure Gold is more rare than Silver.

Can someone explain the entry process?

Register for our American Advertising Awards Office Hours event where our team can answer all of your questions and walk you through the process.

When is the awards show? Will it be in-person or virtual?

Our awards celebration is planned for April 2024.

More details to come. Stay tuned.

I’m an awesome person and really want to help. How can I get involved?

Hi, awesome person! We can use all the volunteer help we can get, from coordinating reels, to soliciting sponsors and entrants, there’s always stuff you can do.

It’s a killer learning experience, and you’ll meet other people who care about this industry, too.

Contact us using the button below.