Coffman Award - AAF Seattle

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(425) 280-1968

AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.

Coffman Award

The Coffman Award is given to a supporting member of the creative community who has shown outstanding dedication to advancing the industry.

Larry Coffman

Larry Coffman

A True Supporter of the Industry

Larry Coffman’s distinguished career in media has been characterized by his inextinguishable fire for promoting and nurturing the creative services industry in the Seattle area.

From his monthly Marketing newspaper to his annual Marketing Awards & Event to his Marketing Immortals pantheon to his website, Larry’s advocacy for the Seattle advertising community over more than three decades deserves to be recognized and elevated as a model for future generations.

I STRONGLY recommend him. He is, and has been, the voice of our combined industry forever and ever! His Immortals idea alone should qualify him, let alone giving a regular voice to so many of us in our related disciplines.
— Ron Elgin, Founder, Elgin DDB + AAF Silver Medal recipient

We are proud to initiate this new honor in Larry’s name -the Coffman Award - and to formally bestow it upon him as its first honoree.

Larry, moments after receiving his surprise award

Larry, moments after receiving his surprise award

Thank you, Larry!

Read Larry’s full bio (written by himself, of course) at his Marketing Immortals site.