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United States

(425) 280-1968

AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.

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Called from far and wide. Accomplished in their field. Diverse in their experience. Brutally high standards. Our judges give our awards the esteem they deserve.


meet the 2025 Judges


Max Magerkurth

Born and raised in Anacortes, WA, Max is now based in Los Angeles— shooting films, TV and global campaigns for brands like Bose, Apple Music, Jordan, Disney, Uber, Starbucks, Amazon, and more. As a true product of the PNW, he attributes his career as a cinematographer to having grown up amidst the beautiful environments this incredible region has to offer. When not behind the camera, max can be found sampling the hottest new restaurants in any given city, planning his next trip abroad or making a mean matcha latte.

David Register

From writing jingles for Barbie to directing Super Bowl commercials for Yale New Haven Health, David’s 25+ years in the business have taken their fair share of twists and turns. He Creative Directed the iconic “Flo” campaign for Progressive Insurance and led the digital and integrated creative efforts for brands such as Volvo, New Balance, CenturyLink, and Dell Computers. When he’s not making ads, David can be found braving the winter surf in New England or taking long photo walks.

Nicole Jahns

Nicole is a conceptual creative leader who elevates brands across product, tech, and lifestyle categories within both agencies and in-house teams. Currently serving as a Global Creative Lead at Bumble, she orchestrates everything from viral social campaigns to award-winning experiential activations—most recently earning Gold and Silver in Event Marketer's 2024 Experience Design Awards. Her work has been featured in publications like Vogue, People, Adweek, and Elle, while partnerships with celebrity talent and organizations like the WNBA have pushed creative boundaries and cultural conversations. When she's not directing shoots or concepting campaigns, you'll find her in Los Angeles with her husband and rescue dog, attempting to conquer her annual GoodReads Challenge or planning her next travel adventure—usually while sporting elaborately designed nails. 

If you’d like to judge in 2026, please reach out to our amazing judging coordinator, Jordan McGrath, for details. To promote impartiality, judges must reside outside AAF District XI (Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, or Alaska).