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(425) 280-1968

AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.

2023 American Advertising Awards Seattle

Events Calendar

Agency people may be a lot of fun but they're also professional. So are our regular events, ranging from panels of our industry’s best discussing hot topics to casual after-hours mixers where we basically goof off while we network.

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2023 American Advertising Awards Seattle

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Let's Celebrate Our Best Work

As the world gets redefined and our industry continues through its own growing pains, great creative work continues.

Each year we take this opportunity to reflect on the creative executions that survived development, client scrutiny, self-doubt, and all the other familiar challenges, to not only get published, but rise to a higher level of expression.

Please tune into our virtual show as we present the winners of this year's awards.

We've got all the usual favorites:

  • ADDY winner reels

  • Judges' Choice

  • Mosaic Award

  • Best of Show

  • People's Choice - LIVE!

Plus the return of our virtual afterparty!

Tickets Are Free

We're presenting this year's show at no charge.

Share the link so the wonderful work can be admired far and wide.

RSVP on LinkedIn 

If you click to attend the LinkedIn Live event you'll be helping the show and all participants get even more eyeballs on their work, since LinkedIn shares your responses to your feed, hopefully enticing more people to RSVP, too

See you at the ADDYs!

Announcing: In-Person Trophy Handoff Mixer + Silver Medal Award Ceremony!

We are hosting an in-person event on April 13th!

We’ll have:

  • Trophy pick-up

  • Networking and mixing

  • District XI award announcements, including who moves on to Nationals!

  • Silver Medal Award ceremony

We hope to see as many people as possible! Links coming soon!


Earlier Event: January 12
No Agenda - January 2023
Later Event: April 13
2023 ADDY Mixer