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AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.

Market Insights: Branding Bud

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Market Insights: Branding Bud

Thursday, June 16, 2016
6:00pm  9:30pm

Pike Place Market Atrium Loft
93 Pike St Seattle, WA 98101

Get your ticket now!

The retail marijuana industry has seen explosive growth in Washington state since it was legalized in 2012. With more and more states moving toward legalization, we're taking a deep look at this brand new, promising but challenging industry, and how some of the early big players have handled branding, marketing, and advertising.

How do you handle branding in a category without convention? How do you advertise in a heavily regulated and federally restricted industry? How do you take cannabis consumption from rough trade to big business?

Learn about all this and more from some of the most prominent voices in the retail marijuana industry in this eye-opening and exciting panel discussion.


  • Brian Marr, Chief Strategy Officer, Smashing Ideas; Associate Professor UW CommLead


  • Adam Smith, AVITAS
  • Jody Hall, The Goodship Company
  • Shawn Richards, Sitka
  • Shea Hynes, Stash Pot Shop

Get your ticket now!



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Market Insights is our series of informational panel and speaker sessions featuring industry-leading professionals and thought leaders.