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AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.

WSJ: Marketing is Key During Times of Turmoil

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WSJ: Marketing is Key During Times of Turmoil

Enough with “Uncertain Times” - Here’s What We Know

Despite our "hunch" that marketing during times of turmoil makes fiscal sense, it'd be nice to have the proof to back it up. After all, marketing is an investment in growth, no matter the conditions.

The Wall St Journal’s Senior Director of Intelligence, Jim Gardner, will share lessons learned from past downturns and how a COVID-19 landscape affects:

  • Best practices in messaging

  • Consumer and business sentiment

  • Shifts in media consumption

Q&A will follow the presentation.

The Talent

The Moderator

  • Luis Antezana - Director of Strategy & Technology, CROWN

The Speaker

Webinar recording now available on demand

Slide deck available here