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United States

(425) 280-1968

AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.


Ad Club Seattle started in 1909. Seriously. We’ve been continuously operating in this city with slightly kooky, fun-loving creatives a long time.



Ad Club Seattle founded by elixir peddler Phineas Farnswaggle. What began as a thinly-veiled way to evade taxes quickly turned into a life-long passion to serve advertisers.

To more closely align with AAF National, and with a little urging from said parent organization, Ad Club Seattle formally adopts AAF Seattle as its new name, refocusing its efforts more broadly on the audience it more evidently finds itself serving, Seattle’s creative community in general.

AAF National rebrands the ADDY Awards as the American Advertising Awards.

Past Presidents

These people stepped up to lead our club in good times and bad. They gave the extra effort to keep the boat afloat. Respect is due. Thanks to you, fine leaders!

Renee Peterson, 2012-2014

Renee Peterson, 2012-2014

Britt Peterson, 2011-2012

Britt Peterson, 2011-2012

George Riddell, 2007-2011

George Riddell, 2007-2011

Todd Visdal, 2005-2007

Todd Visdal, 2005-2007

2004–05   Diana Fryc

2002–04   Tom Baker

2001–02   Scott Dodson

1999-01    Michael Richard

1998-99    Sophie Marciano  

1997-98    Maria Lamarca-Anderson

1996-97    Rick North

1995-96    Mark Scott

1994-95    Catherine McConnell
1993-94    Frank Sunseri

1992-93    Jan Leonard

1991-92    Don Piercy

1990-91    Bob English

1989-90    Mimi Kirsch

1988-89    Pete Delauney

1987-88    Warren G. Payne

1986-87    Penny Taylor

1985-86    John Cheshier

1984-85    Ric Rosa

1983-84    Darrell Oldham

1982-83    Ron Gibbs

1981-82    Ed McLellan

1980-81    Terri Kirkland

1979-80    Rick Trent

1978-79    Hank Barber

1977-78    Charles Heinrich

1976-77    Pete Hatt

1975-76    Jay Bratton

1974-75    David Bond

1973-74    Lee Bartlett

1972-73    Gorgon R. Ilse

1971-72    Rich Pasko

1970-71    Arnold E. Wallstrom

1969-70    J. Morton Cone

1968-69    Walter Kilgore

1967-68    Robert M. Capeloto

1966-67    Jack Ehrig

1965-66    Emmett Marshall

1964-65    Peter Hemp

1963-64    Dick Basom

1962-63    Bob Karolevitz

1961-62    Lex McAtee

1960-61    Bob Hurd

1959-60    Don Starr

1958-59    Reinhart Knudsen  

1957-58    Frank Welch

1956-57    Wallace J McAtee

1955         Trevor Evans

1954         Peter Lyman

1953         Wendel Broyles  

1952         James Abbott

1951         Roger Rice

1950         Thomas Sheehan  

1949         Harry Pearson  

1948         Russell W. Young

1947         Beale McCullough  

1946         W.B. Stuht

1945         Harry Abney

1944         Web Harrison

1943         Franklin McCrillis  

1942         George Webber  

1941         Hugh Feltis

1940         Anthony F. Moitoret

1939         Dudley Brown

1938         Norton W. Mogge

1936-37   Hal King

1936         Russell W. Young

1935         J.H. Leatherman  

1933-34   Chester Womer

1932-33   Web Harrison

1931-32   Lee R. Double

1930-31   Warren Kraft, Sr.

1929-30   Loyd Spencer

1928-29   Hugh Baird

1927-28   C.E. Fisher

1926-27   Richard P. Milne

1925-26   How J. Ryan

1924-25   Tome Jones Parr

1923-24   Loyd Spencer

1922-23   W.G. Mohr

1921-22   H.G. Stibbs

1921        R.E. Morgan