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United States

(425) 280-1968

AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.

Young Professional Membership

The AAF Seattle Shop

Young Professional Membership

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Young Professional Membership.png

Young Professional Membership

$100.00 every 12 months

The Young Professional Membership is for people 32 years old or younger.

As a member of the American Advertising Federation (AAF), you become part of a talented community with access to connections, resources and professional development to help you become and stay successful in the advertising industry.

Some of the perks…

  • First and foremost, it is a lot of fun.

  • Access AAF National resources and benefits

  • Connect with industry leaders in Seattle and nationally

  • Access to the AAF SEA members-only LinkedIn private group

  • Member pricing for AAF SEA events

  • Grow skills and knowledge through events & resources by industry leaders

  • Presence in our Member Directory

  • Speaking Opportunities

  • Opportunities to get involved in the local advertising community

  • Member pricing for American Advertising Awards entries

  • Sponsorship opportunities to support the local community and promote your brand and your clients

  • Promotion of job postings and project opportunities

Become a Member