December Events: This Is How We Do It
AAF Seattle Administrator
This month we’ve got two events that pretty much reflect how we like to operate: a little bit of smart mixed with a little bit of sassy.
First up, our annual Jingle & Mingle, co-hosted with AIGA Seattle, at Melrose Market Studios on December 11th. We're again featuring our local designer showcase so you can gift creatively while supporting small creative businesses. Of course we've got food, and this year our holiday cocktail is sponsored by Hand Craft Films and poured by sponsor Shake Bartending. Throw in our ugly sweater contest complete with prizes, raffles and holiday photos by David Speranza, and you've got yourself a fun evening that probably tops whatever survived as your corporate holiday party after those budget cuts. That's the sassy part, by the way.
The smart part is our next Speaker Series, co-hosted with PSAMA, December 19th, at Seattle Public Library. TEDx speaker and author David Burkus will talk about "The Myths of Creativity" It's our first morning session, and to sweeten the deal we're giving members in attendance a free copy of the book, while non-members can buy it at a reduced price. Plus pastries and coffee, of course.
We hope to see you out this month!
on 2013-12-15 02:00
Pics from the Jingle & Mingle are now available on Facebook and Flickr. Thanks again to David Speranza!
on 2013-12-21 08:07
Pics from the David Burkus event are now available on Facebook. Thanks to Bianca Jessica!