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Seattle, WA

(206) 249-9909

AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.


This is the pulse of AAF Seattle. What we’ve done, what we’re thinking about, what’s coming next. Tune in here for the latest scoop.

Gallery Night 2017 Event Recap

AAF Seattle Administrator

Our second annual Gallery Night was held February 23rd at AXIS Pioneer Square, and made good on our club's intent to establish a tradition of appreciation for all the entries submitted for the American Advertising Awards Seattle.

Seeing the breadth of fine work on display, the hours of effort involved, the extent of creativity, the quantity—heck, the beauty of it all—gives us incredible context for the immense challenge of this competition.

Photos (by Mordan McGrath)

See the entire collection in our Facebook album.

To those who didn't win this year, we honor and thank you for your work.

To those who did win, you've got a shiny new addition to your awards cabinet coming your way. And more could be coming as the competition moves on to District 11 and from there to national. Good luck!

Next up is our gala celebration on March 16th, featuring new reserved seating and seat selection. We hope to see everyone at the ADDYs!

If you attended there's still time to give feedback on our survey to help us improve our events.